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Ellen Churchill Semple-03

Page #72


About this Page: A big thanks to Dan Harris for whipping up two Ellen Churchill Temples for me. Dan’s a pretty big deal you know. His team won a BAFTA for his animated work on the introduction of a kid’s TV show, Prosiect Z. Speaking of zombies, do you want to see my Ellen Churchill Semple?

Well here she is… semple me Poor Ellen.

Now you know why I have a Dan. This woman was pretty amazing and awe-inspiring considering the time. She must have been wealthy to be able to galavant the world and jump into lecture halls that inspired her. Did you know her mentor was Friederich Ratzel of Germany? Yes, Organic Theory Ratzel. That Ratzel. Are the pieces of the determinism puzzle starting to fall together? Then she came back home and started the American Association for Geographers between teaching at the University of Chicago, Clark, oh and Oxford. She loved field work, something that was supposedly groundbreaking to the geography world during her time, Jared Diamond would be proud. It sounds like the pressure made her loosen her deterministic reigns towards the end of her career, forcing her to adopt more of an, environmental influence tilt, than environmental determinism. Poor Ellen. Sometimes we need a good pilot to take one for the team and take the first test-fly, even if the plane doesn’t make it. At least the black box will help us understand what happened and what to fix. Ugh. Enough analogies. Have a good day.