Page #46


Crappy Mappy

Page #46

About this Page: 

Much thanks to Dan Harris, my illustrator for the persons on this page. While Dan always knocks it out of the park for me, I must say, I am quite proud of my work that hopefully complements his. All backgrounds, including Gremlin Greenland is mine- Oh…also the hilarious word bubbles, yuk, yuk. I’m working on it people.

I am happy to say that I am FINALLY done with the maps portion of this chapter. The 2nd Theme of Geography proved to be quite long, however the topic of maps is very important to geography in general-though I won’t be missing you, “Location.” Onwards to “Place” next.

Below you can check out the sketch page that I gave to Dan to give him direction for the illustrations. And while I do this process quickly, you can certainly tell my limitations in drawing people, LOL.Crappy Mappy Page Sketch

But hey…check out that Greenland monster!

Germlin Greenland

What did you say? Oh, you want to download it, make it a sticker, and put it on your laptop? WHAT A GREAT IDEA!!!! Have at it! Click that Gremlin Greenland and download.

Happy Thursday.